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7 Tips to Boost Your Cybersecurity Training Program for Remote Workers

Written by Prime Secured | Sep 7, 2023 8:02:26 PM

Prepare Your Remote Workforce for Battle Against Cybercriminals

The working world, as we have come to know it, has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Remote work and hybrid work policies have taken center stage in most organizations, turning sweatpants and cozy slippers into the new business casual. While the flexibility of working remotely offers numerous benefits, it also brings about unique cybersecurity challenges that businesses must address. As remote work continues to thrive, it's crucial for organizations to adapt and prioritize cybersecurity training to protect sensitive data and maintain their cybersecurity posture. In this article, we'll cover the distinct cybersecurity challenges posed by remote work and provide strategies for organizations to effectively address these challenges through employee training. 

Cyber Vulnerabilities Created by Remote Workforce

Giving your workforce the flexibility to work remotely is an amazing benefit (yay, go you!) But it also creates new entry points for cyber threats. These are the challenges you need to be aware of: 

  1. Unsecured Networks: Remote employees often connect to unsecured home networks, making them vulnerable to attacks like phishing, malware, and unauthorized access. 
  2. Device Diversity: Employees use various devices to access company resources, including personal computers and mobile devices, which may not have the same level of security as corporate equipment. 
  3. Data Sharing and Storage: Collaborative tools and cloud services are essential for remote work but can also expose sensitive data if not properly configured and protected. 
  4. Employee Awareness: Employees working from home may not be as aware of cybersecurity best practices as they are in the office, leading to potential lapses in security. 

Get Your Remote Workforce Up to Speed with Your Company’s Cybersecurity Training Program

To tackle these challenges organizations must prioritize employee training. If you're wondering where to start, we've got just the thing for you: Protect from Within: How to Prioritize Employee Cybersecurity Training. 

 If you're ready to move forward in improving your remote workforce's cybersecurity knowledge, here are some strategies that will take your training program to the next level. 

1. Tailored Training Programs

Develop training programs that address the specific challenges of remote work. Include specific learning modules around the following: 

Secure Home Network Setup:

It's essential to ensure their home network meets the security standards of your organization and that they understand the steps to get there. 

    • Router Security: Teach employees to change default router login credentials, enable WPA3 encryption, and regularly update firmware to protect against vulnerabilities. 
    • Guest Network Awareness: Explain the importance of segregating guest networks from work networks to prevent unauthorized access. 
    • Firewall Fundamentals: Provide insights into configuring firewalls to block suspicious incoming traffic. 


Safe Use of Personal Devices:

In the remote work arena, personal devices often moonlight as work tools. However, without proper precautions, this can be a potential security minefield. 

    • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Guidelines: Lay down clear policies on using personal devices for work and educate employees on adhering to them. 
    • Mobile Device Management (MDM): Teach employees to use MDM software to manage and secure mobile devices used for work, including remote wiping capabilities in case of loss or theft. 
    • Application Whitelisting: Encourage employees to install only approved applications, reducing the risk of malware. 


Recognizing Remote Work-Related Phishing Attempts:

Phishing attacks are like chameleons; they adapt to their environment. Remote work provides them with a new canvas to work their tricks. 

    • Phishing Awareness: Educate employees about common phishing techniques and the importance of skepticism when receiving unsolicited emails or messages. 
    • Remote Work Scenarios: Provide real-world examples of remote work-related phishing attempts, like fake VPN login pages or malicious video conferencing links. 
    • Reporting Protocols: Ensure employees know how to report suspicious emails or potential security breaches promptly, emphasizing that it's better to report a false alarm than overlook a genuine threat. 


2. Regular Updates

Cyber threats evolve constantly, so it's crucial to provide ongoing training and updates to keep employees informed about the latest threats and best practices.

Here's how to ensure they stay ahead: 

  • Remote Threat Alerts: Regularly update remote employees on the latest cybersecurity threats that specifically target remote work scenarios. Highlight potential risks and provide guidance on how to mitigate them.
  • Threat Intelligence Feeds: Subscribe to threat intelligence feeds and share relevant information with remote workers. These feeds can offer real-time updates on emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Monthly Security Briefings: Conduct monthly security briefings specifically for remote employees. Cover recent cyber incidents, new attack vectors, and best practices tailored to remote work security. 


3. Simulated Phishing Exercises

Conduct simulated phishing exercises to test employees' ability to recognize phishing attempts.

Include the following in your simulation exercises: 

  • Regular Simulations: Conduct simulated phishing exercises tailored to remote work scenarios. These exercises should mimic real-world situations remote workers might encounter, such as fake VPN login emails or video conferencing invitations. 
  • Immediate Feedback: Provide immediate feedback to remote employees who fall for these simulations. Use this as a teaching moment to explain the red flags they missed. 
  • Progress Tracking: Maintain a record of each remote worker's performance in these exercises. Monitor their progress over time to identify those who might require additional training or support. 


4. Collaborative Tools Training

Teach employees how to use collaboration tools securely, emphasizing the importance of strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and secure file sharing. 

  • Password Security: Train remote workers on creating strong, unique passwords for their collaboration tools and enable them to use password managers effectively. 
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Emphasize the importance of enabling 2FA on all accounts related to remote work. Explain how it adds an extra layer of security. 
  • Secure File Sharing: Teach best practices for secure file sharing, including password-protecting sensitive documents and setting appropriate access permissions. 


5. Remote Security Policies

Establish clear remote work security policies and ensure employees understand and adhere to them.

Ensure remote workers understand and adhere to these guidelines: 

  • Regular Communication: Keep remote workers updated about changes and updates to remote security policies. Send out clear notifications and explanations when policies are revised. 
  • Remote Access Rules: Detail the rules and procedures for remote network access, including VPN usage, and ensure remote workers are well-versed in them. 
  • Device Security: Highlight policies related to the use of personal devices for work and stress, and the importance of keeping them secure.


6. Cybersecurity Awareness Culture

Create a culture of cybersecurity awareness among remote employees. Encourage them to report any suspicious activities promptly and reward good cybersecurity practices.

7. Mandatory Training 

Make cybersecurity training mandatory for all employees, regardless of their role or level within the organization. Compliance should be tracked and enforced. 

Start implementing these remote work strategies into your training program. 

By prioritizing employee education and providing tailored training programs, organizations can empower their remote workforce to be the first line of defense against cyber threats. 

As always, we hope this information has been helpful to you as you take a serious look at your cybersecurity employee training program. If the thought of implementing such a program feels a bit daunting or stretches your bandwidth too thin, don't hesitate to reach out to Prime Secured. We'd be happy to explore how our managed IT services can lend a helping hand in educating your employees and beyond. Your cybersecurity success is just a conversation away!